Cerec® 3D

CEREC® is the latest in innovative dental technology that can make crowns, onlays, and veneers in one visit.

Fillmore Dental

Cerec® 3D

With this technology we design and create state-of-art all ceramic porcelain tooth colored restorations from an optical impression. You can actually watch us design your new restoration on a full color 3D monitor. This eliminates the need for us to take a conventional impression and treatment can be complete in just one visit. Dr. Santos-Berkowitz has worked with CEREC technology since 2001.

Let's face it: old mercury/silver fillings are ugly. CEREC is a healthier alternative to amalgam, gold, or other metals. CEREC is the latest in innovative dental technology that can make crowns, onlays, and veneers in one visit. For you this means less time in the dentist's chair. Using CEREC® Dr. Santos can use strong tooth colored ceramic material to restore your teeth to their natural strength, beauty, and function. 

CEREC® is bonded to your tooth, allowing Dr. Santos to save as much tooth structure as possible while providing you with a dental restoration that strengthens your tooth. Not only are our aesthetically appealing restorations beautiful, even better – no one can tell you have a filling or a crown. No more waiting weeks for your crown. CEREC® does it all in two hours!